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Bo Ravel Areighdieus- This page is designated for the Doctorate at Space; 'Bo Ravel Areighdieus'. Its intent is to provide information into the biographical background and properspective of the character and their continued contributions of science unto the SuperWikia collective.

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Bo Ravel Areighdieus (Doctorate at Space)

Bo Ravel Areighdieus; one of the greatest auricular composers of the Old World Order who was considered the patriarch of the Protectorate Amphitheatre of the Colonies. His auricules of decadence were almost always commissioned by the Dreigns of his generation, with more than 360 partition reservations under his indoctrination.

Research & Significance:[]

Ravel attended the most prestigious proxeums of his time, with emphasis on the ancient selphalons and expanses of galaxies. Borne a Avariot of solveig lineage, Ravel studied aurics to become a genius amongst geniuses. He was never recognized by the Sudanary as a deminted Dreign (he was noble yet with no official currency or treasury mints being cast), but he was indeed more famous than some of his commissioning Dreigns because of his auric being played in various partitions.

His contributions to the theater and orchestral exhibition gave him uncontested appraisals from his proxeums, most of which helped to launch his future within the Saderequiem arts. He is immediately attributed to numerous institutions, including portion of his own works which went on to be used as a master blueprint for commissioned composer within most of the Old World Order. Works such as:

  • The Bomagne's Sounddate Codec for Badel
  • The Bomagne's Exhibit & Display Codec for Badel
  1. Areighdieus's Sloakmanship Rules of Order
  2. Areighdieus's Testadle & Autopodium Address
  3. Areighdieus's Agaseous Address
  4. Areighdieus's Palatial Address
  5. Areighdieus's Lobal Chambers Address
  6. Areighdieus's Evolution Address
  7. Areighdieus's Saderequiem Address
  • The Bomagne's Partition Indoctrinal Codec for Badel
  • The Bomagne's Apocolypia Codec for Badel
  • The Bomagne's TERO System Codec for Badel

Ravel's symphonic works assembled virtually every existing Saderequiem infrastructure, including instruments and progressions that only his distinct style could produce into the skeletal modes a creating an efflorescent effect within the frontal lobe of his captive audiences. Such instruments and progressions include:

Superwiktionary Logo 1.1
Superwiktionary Logo 1.1: Orthodox Saderequiem Sections

  1. String Section: Old English "...tandem for the S1"; "created S1 compositions" {low string, S1-instruments} *The 1st class of instruments in a saderequiem orchestra and its billet; deepest string part.
  2. Tenor String Section:Old English "...tandem for the T piece"; "created T compositions" {high string, T-instruments) *The 2nd class of instruments in a saderequiem orchestra and its billet; lightest string part.
  3. Acoustic Section: Old English "...tandem for the A piece"; "created A compositions" {clarinet, A-instruments) *The third class of instruments in a saderequiem orchestra and its billet; woodwinds.
  4. Percussion Section: Old English "...tandem for the P piece"; "created P compositions" {drum, cymbal, P-instruments} *The forth class of instruments in a saderequiem orchestra and its billet; drums.
  5. Light Brass Section: Old English "...tandem for the L piece"; "created L compositions" {flute, L instruments} *The fifth class of instruments in a saderequiem orchestra and its billet; high flute, piccolo.
  6. Extra Brass Section: Dialect "...tandem for the E piece"; "created E compositions" trumpet, tuba, E instruments} *The sixth class of instruments in a saderequiem orchestra and its billet; lower horns
  7. Stage Envoy: Old English "...tandem for the S2"; "created S2 compositions" {repertoire, troupe} *The finale class of instruments in a sadereqiuem orchestra and its entourage; choir, star.
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Superwiktionary Logo 1.1: Orthodox Saderequiem Ensemble

  1. Single Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the single preamble" {1st grade, single lead} *The 1st grade of preamble that consists of a complete single class playbill.
  2. Two Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the twin preamble" {2nd grade, twin lead} *The 2nd grade of preamble that consists of a complete two classed playbill.
  3. All Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the abode preamble" 3rd grade, abode lead} *The 3rd grade of preamble that consists of a complete playbill of all classes.
  4. Partial Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the party preamble" {4th grade, party lead} *The 4th grade of preamble that consists of at least 1 incompleted class within a playbill.
  5. Lowered Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the lessor preamble" {5th grade, lessor lead} *The 5th grade of preamble that consists of a major low volume schema within its playbill.
  6. Elevated Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the elevated preamble" {6th grade, exclamatory lead} *The 6th grade of preamble that consists of a high volume or exclamatory schema playbill.
  7. Santioned Part Preamble: Basic Uninet Scientific "...conducted the sanctioned preamble" {7th grade, symphonic lead} *The final grade of preamble that consists of excerpts of all preamble grades' playbill.

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Superwiktionary Logo 1.1: Orthodox Sadereqiuem Literata

  1. S`ad-e-req-ui-em: Nativity " to the saderequiem"; "...sextants of saderequiem" {decadent, dream, theatrics} *A opera commissioned in the study of the occuldent; a decadent play.
  2. S`e-cap-ha-gus: Nativity "...opened its secaphagus"; "...secaphagus nature" {beginning, quarry, start} *The first major sextant of sadereqiuem; a quarry of souls.
  3. T`el-eus-oral-um: Nativity " teleusoralum umbilic calendar"; "teleusoralum prediction" {calendar,instruction,oversite} *The second major sextant of a saderequiem; an emasculation of the anticlimax.
  4. A`bac-us-uc-ca-bus: Nativity "...drafted an abacusucabus"; "...abacusucabus aura" {abreast, conscious, inclusion} *The third major sextant of a saderequiem; abreast of the theme, necropolitan.
  5. P`ro-strat-um: Nativity "...entered a new prostratum"; "...prostratum ovation" {administer, cloud, fluffy, lie} *The fourth major sextant of saderequiem; the prescribe, a heavy diversion.
  6. L`ab-ia-li-mus: Nativity "...exercised a strong labialimus", "sobbed at the labialimus" {blind, curriculum, sedate} *The fifth major sextant of saderequiem; intensity of audient pacification.
  7. E`x-cre-men-tum: Nativity "...wait until the excrementum"; "...erogenic excrementum" {flow, overlap, secretion} *The sixth major sextant of saderequiem; the histography, a digest or recap.
  8. S`o-i-sex-scene-non: Nativity "...a command soisexscenenon", "...soisexscenenons". {close, deputize, testimony} *The seventh major sextant of saderequiem; recognition of decadent properties.

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Superwiktionary Logo 1.1: Orthodox Sadereqiuem Paradigms
  1. S`ir-rus: Nativity "...octaves of sirrus"; "...sirrus formation" {cloud, early mourn, sleep} *The first paradigm of sextant dialog; the unconscious mind or helix.
  2. T`er-ra: Nativity "...raised to the fifth terra"; "...transcribe its terra" {bright, day, decisive, intuit} *The second paradigm of sextant dialog; the conscious lobe.
  3. A`n-te-Ter-rest-ial: Nativity "...ante terrestial communications"; "...ante terrestial meter" {drive, latter day, libido} *The third paradigm of sextant dialog; the psychomotor or drive; libido.
  4. P`arital: Nativity "...the scene's parital expanse"; "...parital clairity" {earthtone, noon, peace, quite} *The fourth paradigm of sextant dialog; an acumen or state of calmness.
  5. L`at-er-al-Lat-in-us: Nativity "...layered lateral-latinus"; "...collective lateral latinus" {afternoon, credit, promissary} *The fifth paradigm of sextant dialog; the subjugate audient property; a billet.
  6. E`x-tra-Ter-res-tial: Nativity "...extra terrestial complex"; "...sublime extra-terrestial" {occupation, evening, philios} *The sixth paradigm of sextant dialog; the sub-conscious state; occupied.
  7. S`ir-rus Su-per-ior: Nativity "a streaming sirrus superior" "sirrus superior effervesce" {memory, latenite, reflection} *The seventh paradigm of sextant dialog; the reflexive memory property.

Advances & Other Contributions[]

SuperWikia Logo Set 17
Bo Ravel Areighdieus
Bo Ravel Areighdieus (Doctorate at Space)
Bo Ravel Areighdieus
Base Title: Bomagne or Ravel
Sex / Gender: Male
Ethinicity / Race: 'Latin American/Central American Procession' / African-American
Lead Order / Party: Old World Order Party
Physique / Health: Supermodel
Active Level: Executive
Tentative Status: (Currently Un-Available)
Setting / Location: SuperWikia Teledeck

Bo Ravel Areighdieus. Solveig Composer and Commissioned Symphony Patriarch, Old World Order Party; USA. (Special Agent Notice);

Template:EVIL Class Two: SuperWikia Alpha Teledeck EPAO Access License
